6 min read

SEO Vibes Poland 2024 - Summary

I was at SEO Vibes Poland 2024 - in case you have missed it, here's a brief summary!

Last week, I had the pleasure of attending SEO Vibes Poland 2024—arguably the biggest SEO event in Poland. Here's a recap of the experience.

SEO Vibes Poland 2024


  • The location was excellent.
  • The staff did a fantastic job organizing the event.
  • The speaker lineup was truly impressive, featuring many prominent figures from the global SEO scene.
  • Great parties!
  • The food and drinks were superb.
  • Despite being held in Poland, the event had a truly international vibe with guests from various countries.
  • My wife won a VIP ticket (with a plus one) for next year's edition!


The conference was held at Hotel Bania in Białka Tatrzańska, a charming town with stunning views of the Tatra Mountains. The hotel felt like a self-contained city, complete with stores, restaurants, pubs, and numerous winter tourist attractions, including hot springs. The building complex was relatively new and well-maintained, with around 400 rooms, making it the largest hotel in the area. The rooms were clean and well-appointed with all the expected amenities. I'd give it a 5-star rating.

The view from our hotel room

Day 0

With our Platinum VIP tickets, we arrived a day before the official start of the conference. We checked in, got our wristbands (required for attending the parties), and explored our room and the hotel's immediate surroundings. Dinner, as usual, turned into an all-night party.

Day 1

Before the official session began, there was a block of mastermind events. Unfortunately, I couldn't secure a spot, so we spent some time relaxing in the thermal baths.

Mastermind Session Lineup:

  • James Dooley
  • Karl Hudson
  • Ewelina Podrez-Siama
  • Jarosław Miszczak

Although I missed out, I believe limiting the number of seats was a smart move to maintain the intimate spirit of a mastermind. These events thrive on small group interactions, unlike workshops that can accommodate up to 40 people, often at the expense of personal connection with the speaker.

As the masterminds proceeded, more attendees checked in, and we were nearing the start of the conference.

At 1:00 PM, the conference officially began with a keynote speech by Robert Niechciał (aka Robert Dontwant). I walked away with a newfound understanding of submarine communication.

A nice touch was having all the speakers on stage during the opening. Seeing such a diverse group was positively overwhelming. A good event is defined by its ability to offer learning opportunities, broaden perspectives, and extend horizons.

An Orchestra of Agents in the Age of AI Empires

Koray Tuğberk GÜBÜR

As always, Koray delivered a mind-blowing presentation. With my background in linguistics, I was particularly thrilled to see the role semantics play in SEO. Koray showcased chatbot agent designs for various use cases, all related to semantic SEO. The amount of information was as intense as an elephant charging into Roman lines!

Koray being a brain ;-)

Beyond Article Writing: AI in Your Link Building Efforts

Another strong element of the presentation. With a different or let's say fresh approach to lnikbuilding


Afternoon Sessions: Masterminds and Workshops


  • Fery Keszoni
  • Paweł Strykowski
  • Robert Niechciał


  • Mads Singer
  • Koray Tuğberk GÜBÜR

There was also a side event featuring FIFA on a PS5—not my kind of game, as I’m more into Helldivers lately. Peace, freedom, and democracy for all!

Does SEO Need GA4? Analytical Process in GA4 for SEO Specialists

I somehow skipped this one.

Kubota: From Marketplace to Mainstream

I returned in the middle of this presentation. The simplicity of the idea—to revive an old, humorous brand—was fascinating. Simple as it sounds, it was not-so-simple to execute. Yet, it worked brilliantly.

Paper Endures All, But Do Google and Clients? The Role of Content in SEO and Brand Building

This was the biggest surprise of the event for me. I had no real expectations going in, but it turned out to be the best presentation. Good craftsmanship always prevails, and for some clients, low-quality, mass-generated content is a big no-no. Branding is becoming a more significant ranking signal than ever, and the way users perceive a brand directly impacts their performance in search.

Wojtek Mazur on stage.

Beerpong / Nautilus Marketing

Out of chronicling duty, I note there was a beerpong contest.

Don’t Make These Mistakes as an Agency: Scaling, Dodging Bullets, and Keeping Cashflow on Track

We gained valuable insights into running an agency, tackling problems, and developing the business.

Practical Use of AI in SEO: Strategies, Tools & Ready-made Solutions

This workshop by Damian Sałkowski was intense. He didn't mince words and hit us hard with AI-backed coding to tackle dependencies between words and entities. It was a higher-level SEO/AI workshop where I occasionally felt out of my depth.

Workshop with Damian Sapkowski

Two Cents About SEO with Low-Budgets

This session offered practical ideas for working with clients with small budgets. Liraz Postan did an excellent job sharing her strategies.

There Are No Easy Questions: AMA Time!

Day 1 wrapped up with an AMA session featuring Karl Hudson and James Dooley. I love a good AMA—straightforward and to the point. We had the chance to learn from two industry leaders.

The day concluded with dinner and, of course, an afterparty that lasted until morning.

Day 2

The second day was no slouch either. We started with a delicious breakfast and a relaxing visit to the thermal baths.

How to Unlock User Insights with Customer Journey Mapping on Google

How Technology Changes our Marketing Strategies? Marketing Transformation in the AI Era

I love hearing marketing perspectives from big global brands. They offer insights that resonate differently from small to medium-sized businesses.

Fery Keszoni, your team's work hijacking celebrity news was truly epic. The creativity, responsiveness, and sheer audacity were astounding. I'm a big fan!

Fery Kaszoni

Niching Down the Right Way: Where Most SEOs Go Wrong?

Mads Singers

AMA - Ask Me Anything: SEO ROI in the Age of AI

Another strong AMA session with Charles Floate, offering a chance to learn directly from an industry leader.

Workshop & Mastermind Sessions


  • Mads Singer
  • Sebastian Suma
  • Kamila Cichocka
  • Fery Keszoni


  • Koray Tuğberk GÜBÜR: Semantic SEO Secrets Revealed
    We attended this one. Koray shared numerous case studies and detailed his approach to various projects.
Workshop with Koray
  • Search Generative Experience and SEO: Utilizing Reverse Engineering to Model the Impact of Factors on Position Before and After Introducing SGE
  • PR Campaigns as a Way to Acquire Links, Support SEO, and Increase Brand Awareness

Back to presentations:

SEO Under Construction: Working at the Basics on a Major Brand's Website - A Case Study of Canal Plus

We learned about working with big clients and tackling internal transformations within their companies.

Justyna Pruszyńską i Magdalena Witkiewicz sharing their thoughts

Behavior-Led Marketing: Customer Perspective Strategy

Kamila Kotowska is a powerhouse on stage. She was the strongest presenter in terms of showmanship and public engagement.

Kama Kotowska being a beast on stage

By this time, I was tired and had to take a break, so I missed part of this presentation.

Unlocking SEO Superpowers: 5 Game-Changing AI/SEO Strategies for Unrivaled Success

SEO Family Feud

I didn't know what to expect from a segment named "Family Feud." It turned out to be more fun than I anticipated. After a day full of presentations and workshops, this segment reinvigorated the crowd with sheer humor.

The conference ended with awards for presenters and a chance to win two sets of tickets for next year's conference. One of the lucky winners was my wife!

Congrats, babe! I hope you'll take me with you next year.

My Wife winning a ticket :-)

Wrap Up and Go Home

We got up early, packed our stuff, and headed home. See you next year! Thanks for all the conversations, meetings, and fun! To the team behind the event - GOOD JOB!